Dr Lena Stocks-Ramsay


Dr Lena Stocks-Ramsay

Director, Osteopath, Self-regulation Coach

& Founder of Bio-Emotional Regulation™️.

Lena is a passionate industry leading osteopath, self-regulation coach and the founder of a revolutionary new self-regulation method, called Bio-Emotional Regulation™️ (BER).

Lena has over 10 years’ experience helping people to overcome pain and limitation, and reconnect to their body’s innate capacity to heal.

Lena believes in a holistic approach to health, and through osteopathy and Bio-Emotional Regulation™️, she supports her clients to keep well, get ahead of stress and perform at their best.

Having worked alongside leading medical specialists and natural health practitioners, Lena has developed a unique holistic and integrative approach, that addresses all aspects of health; mind, body and environment. Lena draws on her extensive clinical experience and natural intuition to ensure you uncover the root cause of your concerns.

Lena’s expertise include, chronic neck or back pain, muscle or joint injuries headaches/migraines, TMJ pain and discomfort associated with PMS, pregnancy, surgery, stress management and digestive conditions.

As a self-regulation coach, Lena applies her understanding of the mind-body connection to help you better manage stress and the impact on your health.


Lena was first drawn to osteopathy, after a car accident, which left her with chronic neck pain, insomnia and post-traumatic stress. After seeking help from multiple health and medical experts, Lena was puzzled that no one was able to view her injury holistically. She was then introduced to Osteopathy and with help, was able to successfully rebuild her health and personal resilience.

From this experience, Lena came to appreciate the need for a holistic approach and the importance of understanding the role of stress, the nervous system and other internal systems, on the health outcomes of those experiencing chronic pain or complex conditions.

Lena has been inspired to undergo extensive post-graduate training, including in visceral manipulation (organ release), cranial osteopathy, dry-needling, neuro-emotional release, mindfulness and pain management.

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